Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Cuando llegaban ya cerca de la bajada del monte de los Olivos, toda la multitud de los discípulos, gozándose, comenzó a alabar a Dios a grandes voces por todas las maravillas que habían visto, diciendo: ¡Bendito el rey que viene en el nombre del Señor, paz en el cielo, y gloria en las alturas!
Entonces algunos de los fariseos de entre la multitud le dijeron: Maestro, reprende a tus discípulos. Él, respondiendo, les dijo: Os digo que si éstos callaran, las piedras clamarían. San Lucas 19:37-40

By the Palm Sunday post yesterday I did not mean to sound preachy, or as if we had actually achieved living that way. It was really just thoughts as I was considering the death and resurrection of our Savior, and how some of my values or pursuits as a relatively successful American might be different from Jesus' mission. And as we are in a new country for the purpose of cross-cultural gospel ministry, I'm starting to see that perhaps I need to consider the heart of Christ and be willing to drop my own culturally-bound notions of "success and "victory". I certainly don't have it all figured out, and I welcome your thoughts, critiques, additions, etc. Really!
I've got to run today, but it's been a very interesting last couple days, so I'll write more later. No more classes this week - Semana Santa.

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