We'll start with thanksgiving.....
We spent a wonderful week with Laura's parents in Stokes, NC, near Greenville. It is so quiet and peaceful there - they have a farmhouse with a lot of land, far from the city. We came the Saturday before the holiday, so we got to spend some great time together getting ready for the big day and getting familiar with their town. We got to attend church with them, Christ Presbyterian (PCA) http://www.christpres.com/ and received word that they will be joining our support team as we go to Peru - a huge encouragement! We also had the chance to meet with a family from that church who is supporting us. We are continually amazed at how the Lord uses his Body, the Church, to provide for it's members.

Dad loves his tractor!
Noah did his best to help by unloading the spice rack
Mom and Dad made a delicious feast!
Aunt Cindy and Noah had great fun together
It was such a treat to be with most of Laura's family! Cindy & Cass and cousins, Marlea & Harmony came as well as Laura's Uncle John, Aunt Terri and cousins, Michael & Stephen. We haven't all been together like that in a long time. This year was also special because mom's birthday fell on Thanksgiving! So we had birthday cake along with the pumpkin pie. Noah enjoyed lots of firsts at the dinner table - Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and even a little taste of vanilla ice cream.
We left the next morning after one of Dad's famous pancake breakfasts and headed home, just in time for Thanksgiving #2 with Michael's family. We fried the turkey this year with the help of good friend Daniel Harlan. Then we celebrated Michael's mom's birthday! (Yeah, it's weird, we know - both Moms, a day apart. It's even weirder that our dads are also a day apart, January 7th &8th). All and all, it was a delightful Thanksgiving holiday! We spent a lot of Saturday napping. (c:
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