Sunday, February 10, 2008


True confessions...before we came to Peru, I had never "shucked" peas. I don't even know if that is the right verb to use. Please inform me if there is a better one. I just always bought frozen ones from the grocery store and never thought about where they actually came from. One day when I went to the market to buy some peas, I definitely had to ask which pods were for peas, or averjas, as their named here. You'd think it would be obvious, but there are also Lima beans, or habas, that come in pods too, so I had to ask.

Well, Noah will not go 26 years without knowing about where peas come from! He just loves to sit with me and empty the pods into a bowl after I open them for him. He even helps me pick them out at the market and reminds me that we need to shuck them if he sees the bag sitting on the counter - "peas!"

1 comment:

Martha Smith said...

Aw, shucks! Noah is so adorable with that bowl of peas. In my Texas family, that process was known as "shelling peas." That term is related to "shelling out" dollars (or pesos) when you go to the market.

Hope you have a wonderful time with Dottie, Matthew, Kerry and all your visitors.