Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

We aren't saying goodbyes yet, but we are well on our way to leaving. And I'm trying to slow down and reflect and let it hit me. These last few weeks came so fast; even though weeks ago we warned ourselves, knowing how quickly the time would pass, we were helpless to stop it. And now here we are, back at the Berrys' home. Really, one day we were planning how to fit in all the people to spend time with and things to do in our last month, and all of a sudden I'm breathlessly running through all our "last _____". Our final trip to the market, last piano lessons, the last time singing to Noah in the bed he's slept in for half of his young life. With our Peruvian brothers and sisters, it feels like there are so many moments and memories still to create. Why can't there be more? Could two years really be so short?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh sweet friends, tears are filling MY eyes as I think about it all. What a great thing that we have such a great and glorious God to go before us, walk with us, and hem us in behind and before. We love you guys and as glad as we are to have you back in VA, we'll pray for such sweet moments this last week!!!
