Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First Haircut

Fingerpainting for Daddy's Father's Day gift


Noah doesn't have that much hair, we know, but it was long over the ears and who knows, maybe this trim would help more to grow. Michael needed a haircut too, so what better time to go? We found a little barber shop, where a nice lady named Lucy sat Michael down and went about trimming as Noah and I watched. I explained what was happening and even sat him in one of the big barber chairs. This shop did have a special chair for kids so they could pretend to be riding a horse while getting their "ears lowered," but this being a first, Daddy's arms were a much better option. When Noah's turn came, Lucy put the big bib on - which didn't go over too well, and began snipping away at his fine little hairs.
Now, I'm the sentimental type and I wavered back and forth about whether or not to save a little lock - but really, Noah barely had enough for a "lock" and I wondered how I would ever save it and where. My mom saved a lock of mine in my baby book, which I did enjoy looking at as a little girl - perhaps this is why I feel a little guilty...thank you, Mom, for helping preserve memories of my babyhood. Perhaps after a few haircuts I would have enough....
Anyways, Lucy did a great job. There were a few tears, but in the end our baby boy looks a wee bit more like a little boy - his haircut hasn't changed his sweet little ways. Tonight he gave each of us little kisses on the lips and made the smooching sound. I'm recovering from yet another 1st that reminds me of how quickly my baby is growing up.


1 comment:

The Aday Family said...

Laura, thank you for the openness with which you write. I'm not looking forward to that first haircut myself. I'm being sentimental enough about my little guy needing to move on to larger clothes and diapers!

You are all in my prayers.
