Friday, October 24, 2008

Election Fun

This has been quite a campaign, ¿no? I really have enjoyed it, so much so that in about 12 days I'm going have a lot more free time on my hands. I admit to being hooked, but why not, with such high stakes, such major issues to tackle, and for the first time since I started voting, I don't feel like I'm choosing between the lesser of two evils. Actually we already voted, dropped off our absentee ballots at the embassy last week, bound for the great state of Virginia.

I'm certainly glad there have been humorous moments dispersed throughout, both real and internet-created, to cut the tension and keep everyone sane for at least a few hours.
Here are some of my favorites:

It's nice to see these two can take a break from taking themselves so seriously...

or linked here from one of my favorite blogs.

And who knew the Penguin could deliver such insightful commentary?

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