Monday, February 05, 2007


Hey folks,
Just a quick blog here, busy day...
A few more friends' blogs have been added to the links at the right, and there are a couple that I wanted to highlight.
Bill Yarbrough is the Mission to the World Area Director for Latin America, and he has a great blog. We got to learn from him this summer during training in NYC, and oh how I wish everyone had that opportunity.
Sojourns on the Way Home is by Sara, a good friend of ours from our Philippines trip. She is currently serving with MTW in AIDS ministry in Ethiopia.
Also, under the "other blogs" there is one called Rostro de Cristo, which is the blog for a ministry in Arbolito, Ecuador, where my brother's girlfriend, Kerry served last year.

All fascinating blogs to read - hopefully ours will become more so as we head off to Peru.

Stay tuned for pictures later on tonight....

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