Hello, it has been once again too long since blogging. Thank you to those of you who check regularly in vain. This time I promise there will be a blog at least every other day (if not every day) for a while, as we have a long list of topics. A few snapshots here, to be further explained....
It is currently slightly more difficult to type, because Noah thought the space bar on the computer was so interesting, he wanted to take it with him. So he did, and we are now awaiting a new keyboard from Dell. So much fun in the last week! Many pictures to come.
Very interesting watching the State of the Union address tonight - more in future blogs.
I'm not a huge fan of all the current administration's policies, but it was an impressive speech. I was also impressed by the clarity and boldness of Jim Webb's response. Like I said, more later.
Anybody else watch American Idol? I got hooked as a music teacher, and now I can't stay away. There was a spectacular blues singer tonight named Sundance - look for him down the road.
Lastly, there have been terrific developments toward our support raising recently. The Lord has been faithful to provide in His timing. We have learned so much through this whole process and lately He has been teaching us how much deep repentance leads to deep worship. Thanks to all who have been praying with us!
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