Many of you already know, but we are very excited to announce that Noah is going to be a big brother! I am about 6 weeks pregnant, so the baby is expected to arrive in mid-February. I found out the day before Father's Day and decided to wait to tell Michael until that Sunday, with a tiny Father's Day note on his breakfast tray from his seasame seed-sized baby. Then we explained it to Noah. We think he gets it. Lori Berry, on our team here, is expecting her 5th in July, so Noah is familar with the fact that babies come in tummies. This is going to be a big change for him, though - he's already learning about Mommy not being able to carry him as much as before. That's hard for both of us, but we still get lots of snuggle time to make up for it. (c: From time to time, Noah has mentioned the fact that there is a baby in my tummy.
We've told all of our friends at church - things like that have a way of getting around anyway. We felt comfortable doing so, even at this early stage, because if I were to miscarry, I would want the prayer and physical support of our friends here (and of you all as well!). They are all praying for a girl. Apparently, here, the perfect little family is one boy and one girl and that's it.
For those of you concerned about my delivering this baby here in Peru, don't be worried. I'll be making an appointment soon with one of the best OBs in the country, the one that Lori is seeing. Mark and Lori's last child, Abigail, was born here 6 years ago with the same OB in a lovely clinic that Lori said was as good if not better than the ones she had been to in the States.
So far, I'm feeling just fine. Often just really tired and sometimes without any desire to eat. But once I do eat I feel better. Today, Michael left for another trip to San Clemente for a couple days, so pray for my patience and energy with Noah as I'm not quite as energetic as before.
Please pray with us for the healthy development of this little baby. He or she is already so blessed to have so many around that care! I'm really happy to be pregnant along-side my teammate, Amanda Ross! She's just a few weeks ahead of me, so it is wonderful to have someone to go through this special and sometimes trying time with.